Getting outside in Uxbridge: the trail capital of Canada

One of our favourite family past times is taking Oliver out for hikes, play dates and trail runs. Being so close to Uxbridge, the trail capital of Canada, makes it easy for us to explore different trails and keep him excited and interested when we go out. This weekend, we decided to take our cameras…

Easy Ooey Gooey Cinnamon Buns Recipe

Whenever we celebrate a special occasion in our house, we whip out the cinnamon buns recipe. For Christmas, birthdays and even to celebrate hooking up our oven in the new kitchen after the reno. Fresh ooey gooey cinnamon buns is the best smell to wake up to, and sometimes you don’t need a special occasion to justify…

Our first year of marriage in numbers

When we first got married, everyone told us that our first year of marriage was going to be the hardest. But if this was the hardest year of our marriage, we are pretty much set. Although we had some ups and downs like every relationship, I am proud to say that with each argument, issue…

5 alternatives to scrapbooking

Preserving memories is something everyone does, whether it’s by posting and sharing on social media, storytelling, or in a more obvious way – by creating memory books. No way is more right or effective than the other, and finding the way that’s right for you and your story is just a means of trying new…

Five reasons every bride should do a boudoir photo shoot

Engagement is such a special time in a soon-to-be-bride’s life that evokes all types of emotions. From love, happiness, bliss and – more often that not – stress, anxiety and exhaustion. Aside from all the planning jitters, engagement really is unlike any other time in your life. It’s right before you are forever tied to…

So we made a cook book…

Yes you read that correctly! My super talented husband and I put our heads together to come up with the best DIY bridal shower present for my sister that we could think of and this was it!